Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Merry Christmas!

Well folks, after a promising start, my blog's outputs have dried up somewhat over the past few weeks - I promise this is not due to lack of interest or maniacal rantings on behalf, but a reflection of a very busy period at work. Will be back into the swing of things in the New Year.

On a personal note, Baby Cooke is doing very well - we are nearly at 22 weeks now, and I have found out that I am going to have a son! Very excited, nervous, terrified and delighted - amazing how many feelings one man can have! Mum and baby are doing well, which is fantastic news.

So to anyone reading this, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas - I hope it is a time of relaxation and enjoyable company for you and those you spend it with.

With best wishes



Mil said...

Merry Christmas Jamie - and a happy and healthy New Year to you and yours!

CalumCarr said...

Belated best wishes.

What a gift you both have to look forward to in the spring.


Not a Village in Westminster said...

Thanks gents, I hope that the Christmas and New Year period was a restful and enjoyable one for you and your families.

I am excited to be in 2009 now, not long till Baby Cooke arrives!